KLM & Associates provides information and support in the design and development of private, local, state or federal funding proposals as well as the initiation or administration of funded programs requiring:
- An assessment of needs for project
- Research of best practices
- Evaluation plan
- Data collection, management and analysis
- Partnership development
- Budget and personnel components
KLM & Associates offers an expertise in developing partnerships that connect higher education, K-12 schools, early learning, nonprofits, business and/or other community organizations to work toward common goals. Needs are determined through document analysis or results from surveys, interviews or focus groups. Services are available to assist with the funding proposal as well as to start-up or administer grant-funded programs.
Examples of Prior Experience:
- Community College Grants to Improve Student Learning and Access To Higher Education: Secured, managed and evaluated $15 million state and federal funded programs for a community college to serve K-12 districts in partnership with higher education, business and community. Services included proposal development; the design and administration of programs and curriculum; data collection and management; and preparation of reports.
- Alternative High School: As CEO of a nonprofit, initiated an Alternative High School for the Arts managed by a nonprofit in collaboration with the school district, business, and community partners, with support from the state department of education. Provided outreach to youth in foster care, homeless youth and youth not attending school.
- Comprehensive Counseling and Student Services: Provided state leadership in the design of a pK-14 model to provide comprehensive student service and school counseling programs in Washington State. Designed state surveys to assess status and needs; developed state resources; provided training to nearly 200 districts and colleges; and aligned support services with improved student learning. Impacted state policy change.
- Community College Workforce Training Partnership: Administered the start up of a $1.9 million 3-year Department of Labor statewide grant providing education and training to adults and older youth in three cities via simulcast instruction. Developed partnerships between higher education, K-12 education, business, workforce training coalitions and government agencies.
- Community Nonprofit Board Member: Wrote proposal and secured funding to remodel a rural community center for safety compliance for a preschool program. Secured funding and initiated community-based partnerships with schools, police, city and youth organizations to assess community resilience factors and implement substance abuse prevention activities. Started a non-profit organization, hired a director and implemented programs.